What is Sport Psychology?
According to the American Psychological Association, sport psychology is “a proficiency that uses psychological knowledge and skills to address optimal performance and well-being of athletes.” However, sport psychology has applications outside of the realm of athletics and focuses on the development of skills imperative for individuals to achieve optimum performance across a variety of settings.
At FPA Performance, we focus on addressing the areas that may have a negative impact on performance, while also developing and bolstering the mental skills necessary for peak performance. Using techniques supported by empirically based research, our clinicians help clients develop the ability to regulate emotions and remain in a state that promotes optimal performance.
Who can benefit?
Areas of focus:
Anxiety, Emotion regulation, Self-confidence, Focus/Concentration, Mental Toughness, Motivation, Attitude, Self-talk, Effective Communication, and Mindfulness
What is FPA Performance?
FPA Performance is a subsidiary of Family Psychology Associates, which is recognized as one of the leading mental health practices in the Tampa Bay area since it was established in 1992.
St. Petersburg Office:
360 Central Ave
Suite 800
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Trinity Office:
10751 Maple Creek Drive
Trinity Professional Place, Bldg 8, Suite 101
Trinity, FL 34655